Sunday, 14 February 2016

Aurora 3D Text And Logo Maker[Cracked Verison]

Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker (Aurora3DMaker on Mac App Store) will allow even the technically inexperienced to quickly and effortlessly compose and arrange strikingly beautiful and impressive 3D Graphics, high quality text and logos. Do you have pressing needs to finish your design project quickly and easily? Then don’t look any further! With the hundreds of templates built in within Aurora3D Software, you’ll be able to take advantage of a myriad of eye-catching effects like reflections and deformation textures. Or if you prefer, you could import your own images and modify and adapt them to meet your unique design needs! Create 3D text effect and logo animation in minutes for the website and your movies! You don’t even need to be proficient over the layout or 3D Design basics!


Every object can have many types of animations, such as rotate, swing, beat, wave, fade, typewriter, pulse.
3D Manipulator
3D Manipulator

Drag the button at the right-bottom of an object, and you can extrude the text or shape.
You can control the object position, rotate and scale at X/Y/Z.
3D Graphic Template
3D Graphic Templates

Get a lot of 3D Text and logo templates. Make you own 3D Text and Logo in minutes. Don’t need the basic of 3D Design.
Free-hand Shapes
Free-Hand Shape

Create your shape easily. Use the freehand shape tool, to edit your shape. You can import an .SVG file to the canvas and edit the nodes of the shape.
3D Shapes and Text Quick Style
Quick Styles

You can change an object’s appearance quickly, just select the object and click the styles color button. You can get your results quickly.
SVG and Picture Import
SVG & Picture Import

You can import a 2D shape such as an .SVG file, and you can also import the SVG file to the freehand canvas and edit it.
You can import picture to the software and change to 3D Effect.
Six 3D Graphic Mode
3D Graphic Mode

Changing the graphic mode can quickly change the style of your design. You have Borders, Board, Buttons, 2D and 3D Text.
Shape Switch
Shape Switch

Change an object’s shape. Just select the shape and select another shape on the panel. You can edit the shape detail by editing the properties.
SVG Text Graphic Library
Graphic Library

Add a shape from the SVG shape library, text shape library, or from the toolbox. There are as many as four thousand shapes in the library.
Text Edit
Text Edit

Full control of the text. Every text can use a different format and colors.
Color and Texture
Color and Texture

Select different parts of an object and change the color.
Supports dynamic texture, let the texture move, rotate and scale automatically on the object.
Bevel Effects

Change the bevel effect for shape and text separately.
3D Graphic Distort
Distort Effects

Shape and text can have many types of distortions, such as sector, curve, arch, heave, sunken, wave.
Dynamic Background
Dynamic Background

Supports dynamic background, let the background move, rotate and scale automatically.
Light Control
Light Control

Full control of light settings.
Set Render Size
Set Render Size

You can set the size of preview and export.
Export Image
Export Image

Export designs as PNG, JPG, Tiff, BMP, GIF, TGA files, which can be imported and edited in other illustration applications.


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